Maui Monique

Welcome to my colorful corner of the Universe! I am so grateful to have you here!

Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Maui Monique. I have a career in healthcare and I’m also a creative/artist. I own my own creative company called Dripping Personality Art.

I create art because it’s active meditation for me. If you’re unfamiliar with active mediation, it’s meditation in movement which can include many different activities but my meditation of choice has been arts and some crafts.

Explore My Artworks

“Self Portrait” Creativity Project

“I don’t have a creative bone in my body”…

Have you ever felt this way or said this about yourself? If yes, then I have the PERFECT project for you! This project is beginner friendly; it’s actually designed for any skill level. This is an art project aimed to juice that precious creativity that many people believe to have peaked in early childhood.

This is an inclusive kit, meaning everything is provided that you need to create your own artistic reflection.

Note: Each kit is unique & fully customizable to fit your [she/he/they] needs.