Welcome to my colorful corner of the Universe! I am so grateful to have you here!

About Me

Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Maui Monique. I have a career in healthcare and I’m also a creative/artist. I own my own creative company called Dripping Personality Art.

I create art because it’s active meditation for me. If you’re unfamiliar with active mediation, it’s meditation in movement which can include many different activities but my meditation of choice has been arts and some crafts.

Art is all that I think about. The pull to express myself creatively through various mediums is almost compulsive! I couldn’t stop creating if I tried. If I didn’t artistically express myself, it would feel like my own personal world is passing me by.

I’ve been creative as far back as I can remember. As a child I would make clothes for my dolls, dabbled in the performing arts (acting), had a business painting nails, and the list goes on. So I’ve essentially been creating for at least 22 years.

I consider art a judgement free zone where everyone can be completely free to explore, experiment, and flow. It amazes me every time a blank canvas is turned into a visual “thought”. Speaking of thoughts, the average person has over 6,000 thoughts a day. Can you imagine how many thoughts you’re seeing that came together to form a single piece of artwork? That’s the beauty within the beauty.

I love experimenting with various mediums but currently I specialize in acrylic & fluid acrylics, colored pencils, ink and sand. The focus of my work is on Abstract faces, geometric patterns, and fluid acrylics. However, I also enjoy working with glass and other found materials when necessary to fulfill the vision of a project.

My art style is very colorful and bold. It is influenced by numbers and pareidolia inspired. My art is motivated by my innate desire to create and the world around me provides inspiration through its patterns and colors.

My hope is that when people see my artwork, any and every form, they experience a new perspective, learn something new, and hopefully find the inspiration to embark on their own creative journey.

With Love,

Maui Monique